Upgrade Announcement: Telos EVM 2.0 Deployment and Migration Guidelines
Dear Valued Partners,
We are pleased to announce that as of November 20, 2024, Telos EVM version 2.0 has been successfully deployed to production. It is now accessible at:
- Mainnet: https://rpc.telos.net
- Testnet: https://rpc.testnet.telos.net
Key Features and Technical Considerations
This significant upgrade brings our network closer to feature parity with Ethereum while reducing the install footprint. However, there are a few technical considerations to note:
- EIP-1559 Support
- The fee market change introduced in the London hard fork (EIP-1559) is still under development and not yet supported.
- Long-Running Operations
- Long-running multicall (eth_call) read-only operations will no longer time out.
- Long-running transactions, however, remain constrained and should be batched.
- Solidity Version Limitations
- No new changes to Solidity version compatibility. Version 0.8.23 is fully supported, and 0.8.24 is partially supported. See more details here.
Transitioning to Version 2.0
To modernize our infrastructure, we will discontinue support for EVM versions 1.0 and 1.5 in phases. Partners should prepare for this transition to avoid disruption.
Block Hash Calculation Changes
Version 2.0 introduces a new block hash calculation methodology:
- Partners not relying on block hashes can migrate seamlessly.
- For those dependent on block hashes (e.g., exchanges, indexers, subgraphs), re-indexing the chain may be required.
Note: Transaction hashes remain unchanged.
Rate-Limiting for Legacy Versions
Effective January 6, 2025, we will begin rate-limiting all Telos hosted 1.x RPC infrastructure:
- Initial limits: 50 requests per second
- Further reductions will follow to encourage migration to version 2.0.
Deprecated RPC Endpoints
The following Mainnet RPC endpoints will soon no longer be supported:
- mainnet.telos.net/evm
- mainnet15.telos.net/evm
- mainnet-us.telos.net/evm
- mainnet-eu.telos.net/evm
- mainnet-asia.telos.net/evm
Resources for Node Operators
If you are interested in running your own Telos EVM node, detailed resources are available:
- Installer Script and Documentation: GitHub Repository
- Support: Telos Developer Community
Next Steps
We strongly encourage all partners to begin migrating to Telos EVM 2.0 as soon as possible to take advantage of its enhanced capabilities and ensure uninterrupted service.
Best regards,
Telos Core Developers
El contenido de este artículo es meramente informativo y no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento financiero o de inversión. Realice siempre su propia investigación y consulte con un profesional antes de tomar cualquier decisión financiera. Las inversiones en criptomonedas, al igual que otras clases de activos, pueden ser volátiles y ocasionar posibles pérdidas. Sea siempre precavido, actúe con la diligencia debida y nunca invierta capital que no pueda permitirse perder. Recuerde mantener siempre la seguridad de sus cuentas, utilice contraseñas seguras, active la autenticación de dos factores y desconfíe de los intentos de suplantación de identidad. Manténgase seguro e invierta con responsabilidad.
Telos es un ecosistema de blockchain descentralizado que incluye Telos EVM, probada como la máquina virtual de Ethereum más rápida del mundo, y su capa de consenso de alta velocidad, Telos Zero. Con su continuo enfoque en ayudar a impulsar la adopción global de la tecnología de Conocimiento Cero, Telos también está desarrollando actualmente una red Ethereum Layer 2 acelerada por hardware impulsada por SNARKtor, con el objetivo de mejorar la privacidad y la escalabilidad para casos de uso global a escala. Telos está supervisada por The Telos Foundation, una fundación sin propietario dedicada al avance de la red blockchain Telos y su comunidad.