ملخص النشرة الإخبارية لشبكة Telos Network للربع الثالث من عام 2023
Greetings, Telos community!
As the curtains draw on an exhilarating Q3 2023, it’s time to reflect on the monumental strides we’ve made. Here’s a detailed look at our key milestones and achievements.
🔑 Major Highlights:
- 🌐 Introducing the Telos Cloud Wallet: This quarter, we unveiled the Telos Cloud Wallet powered by AIKON’s ORE ID. This transformative cloud wallet brings an intuitive Web 2.0 login, making the Telos ecosystem more accessible than ever! You can try the telos cloud wallet here.
Telos Cloud Wallet User Guide: https://docs.telos.net/getting-started/setup-wallet
Learn how to create a Telos Cloud Wallet: How To: Create a Telos Cloud Wallet
- 📊 Uptime Milestone: In Q3 we surpassed a staggering 300 million blocks, maintaining a pristine 100% uptime since our inception in 2018!
- 💰 DeFi Ecosystem Re-launch: After a brief hiatus, Telos DeFi has returned, rejuvenated and revamped. The Telos Bridge powered by LayerZero promises to be a game-changer, propelling our DeFi ecosystem to new heights.
🤝 Key Partnerships & Integrations:
- 🎮 Elixir Games Launcher: This quarter saw us joining forces with Elixir Games Launcher. Apart from exciting exclusive game launches like Kiraverse, Landbox, and Tarzan, there’s the enticing prospect of the $TLOS Elixir Rewards Program on the horizon. Stay tuned for further details!
- 0️⃣ LayerZero: Our partnership with LayerZero introduced the Telos Bridge, users can now move assets to and from Telos via Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, Avalanche, and Polygon, along with any future supported chains.
- 🍦 IceCreamSwap: Our collaboration with IceCreamSwap promises an amalgamation of multi-chain solutions, a seamless user interface, direct bridging, and lucrative liquidity incentives.
- 🔒 Ledger: Proudly announcing our partnership with Ledger, the renowned hardware wallet giant. $TLOS is now supported across all of LEDGER’s devices!
🎤 Events & Conferences:
We’ve been quite the globetrotters this quarter! Here’s a rundown of where we’ve been:
- 🇫🇷 ETHCC6, France: Our representatives, Sukesh Tedla and Nicky Chalabi, ignited discussions on Zero Knowledge Proofs and the intertwining of real-world assets with DeFi, forging strategic industry ties.
- 🎮 PlayGG, San Diego: A deep dive into the GameFi realm, exploring potential collaborations and amplifying our presence.
- 🎨 Digital Vertigo, Tokyo & Toronto: We reinforced our allegiance to the NFT space, networking with Artists and promoting Telos’ initiatives.
- 🌆 Futurist 2023, Toronto: We headlined with a kick-off panel that was the talk of the town!
- 🇸🇬 Token2049, Singapore: Navigating the blockchain of tomorrow, with our own Sukesh Tedla leading the way.
- 🇯🇵Tokyo Game Show 2023: An announcement par excellence, unveiling our synergy with Elixir!
- 🇺🇸 Permissionless, Austin, Texas: We showcased Telos’ prowess, engaging with industry peers.
- 🇩🇪 Dappcon, Berlin: Nicky Chalabi led dialogues about the blossoming Telos DeFi ecosystem.
- 🎮 Web3 Gaming Summit by ABGA, Singapore: A display of our cutting-edge GameFi initiatives.
- 🗽 Messari Mainnet 2023, NYC: Our leadership, represented by TF CEO Justin Giudici and COO George Vernon, made waves, especially with our illuminating DeFi panel.
🚀 New Partnerships in Q3:
Our partnerships have always been pivotal to our growth, and this quarter was no different. Let’s delve into the new partnerships we forged:
DeFi Trailblazers:
NFTs & Gaming Vanguards:
Infrastructure Innovators:
📊 $TLOS Listings:
Hooray for our new listings! $TLOS can now be traded on:
- Uphold: Marking our debut on North America’s premier exchange.
- XT.COM: Empowering the community with TLOS/USDT trading pairs.
🎥 Fresh Content Series:
- 🖥 Developer Insights: Our new series, ‘TCD Office Hours’ & ‘The TCD Chronicle’, promise deep dives into tech and metrics.
- 🎨 NFT Updates: The ‘Probably Nothing’ Telos NFT Show offers vibrant panels and the latest updates.
- 📹 Revamped Content: Fresh short form content and a new face for our weekly video recaps.
🏛 The Telos Guardians:
Over the last quarter, the Guardians put on a round of elections to welcome in new members, and dove head first into finding a new CEO to take the reins as the year comes to a close.
We’ve recently published an article detailing what role each member on the team fills outside of these bigger campaigns; and have an election coming up in a couple of months! Read on to learn more and see how you can get involved.
July Elections
In July, the community warmly welcomed 5 new elected Guardians to the Telos Foundation team. Congratulations to Lee Erswell, Ajinkya Jagtap (voted Vice Chair), Rigi, Max Mochi, and Brian Tse!
CEO Search
The search for a CEO is well underway and our current focus. Shortly after new Guardians were elected, we got to work learning what the community and team value in a CEO. We ran $1700 worth of paid advertising to bring attention to the role, then faced the difficult decision of sorting the many qualified candidates. We’re very close to a decision and have had the opportunity to get to know many impressive people along the way with the skills and experience to help the Foundation achieve its goals. Look out for the next quarterly report where we’ll be welcoming a new member to Team Telos!
Upcoming Elections
There will be 4 Guardian seats up for election coming up in the new year (nominations begin January 5th) so stay tuned for more details and information if you’re interested in joining the Guardians. There are a few different ways that you can get involved in the election process:
- Nominate yourself or someone else & vote in the election
- Spread the word about the election and encourage others to participate!
Learn more about the role and what we do here.
💰 Telos Foundation and TCD Q3 Expenditure:
🟣 Follow Telos Socials:
And that’s a wrap for Q3! Thank you for your continued support and being a part of this exciting journey. Let’s soar even higher in Q4 2023 — we’ve got lots in store for the Telos community!
Stay connected, and follow Telos Socials!
Warm regards,
The Telos Team. 🟣
المحتوى الوارد في هذه المقالة هو لأغراض إعلامية فقط ولا ينبغي تفسيره على أنه نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية. قم دائمًا بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة واستشر متخصصًا قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات مالية. يمكن أن تكون استثمارات العملات المشفرة إلى جانب فئات الأصول الأخرى متقلبة ويمكن أن تؤدي إلى خسائر محتملة. توخَّ الحذر دائمًا، وتوخَّ العناية الواجبة، ولا تستثمر أبدًا رأس المال الذي لا يمكنك تحمل خسارته. تذكر أن تحافظ دائمًا على أمان حساباتك، واستخدم كلمات مرور قوية، وقم بتفعيل المصادقة ذات العاملين، وكن حذرًا من محاولات التصيد الاحتيالي. حافظ على سلامتك واستثمر بمسؤولية.
Telos هي منظومة بلوك تشين لامركزية تتضمن Telos EVM، والتي تم اختبارها كأسرع آلة افتراضية للإيثيريوم على مستوى العالم، وطبقة الإجماع عالية السرعة الخاصة بها، Telos Zero. مع تركيزها المستمر على المساعدة في دفع التبني العالمي لتقنية Zero Knowledge إلى الأمام، تعمل Telos حاليًا أيضًا على تطوير شبكة Ethereum Layer 2 المُسرّعة للأجهزة والمدعومة من SNARKtor، بهدف تعزيز الخصوصية وقابلية التوسع لحالات الاستخدام العالمية على نطاق واسع. تُشرف على Telos مؤسسة Telos Foundation، وهي مؤسسة غير مالكة مكرسة لتطوير شبكة بلوك تشين Telos ومجتمعها.