Telos Network October Recap: Product Updates, Events and Community
October was an important month for Telos, marked by major announcements and product advancements. From appointing John Lilic as CEO to unveiling the Telos Manifesto, we’re aligning our strategy to build Telos as a community-driven Web3 Venture Production Studio.
This recap covers our latest updates, including integrations, technology upgrades, and event highlights.
الإعلانات الرئيسية
John Lilic Appointed CEO
We proudly announced John Lilic as the new CEO of Telos. Known for his contributions at ConsenSys and Polygon, John brings a wealth of experience and a fresh vision aligned with our manifesto’s North Star: to position Telos as a Web 3 Venture Production studio dedicated to empowering the community.
John succeeds Lee Erswell, who played a crucial role in major Telos milestones, including the launch of EVM 2.0, pioneering advancements in Zero Knowledge technology, and laying the groundwork for Tekika. We extend a huge thank you to Lee for his commitment and dedication, setting Telos on the path forward.
Telos Manifesto Released
"Telos is more than a blockchain; it is a movement for shared ownership and digital sovereignty."
In alignment with the appointment of John Lilic as CEO, we unveiled the Telos Manifesto, establishing our vision to be a community-owned Web3 Venture Production Studio. The manifesto defines Telos as a force for democratized access and governance through our Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus, where anyone can participate. It outlines our commitment to Zero Knowledge technology, ecosystem performance, and sovereignty.
Product Updates
Plonky2 Goldibear: A Game-Changer for Proof Aggregation
October marked the debut of Plonky2 Goldibear, our high-speed cryptographic proof aggregator over the BabyBear field. With benchmarks revealing it to be 77 times faster than prior methods, Plonky2 Goldibear enables scalable proof aggregation, laying the foundation for robust data protection in decentralized applications. Integrated into SNARKtor, this development strengthens Telos’ role in secure, scalable cryptographic solutions.
عمليات الدمج
SwapSpace Integration
This month, Telos joined SwapSpace, a crypto exchange aggregator offering competitive rates for $TLOS across over 30 trusted exchange partners. With no registration required, SwapSpace allows users to trade $TLOS quickly and securely, making it easier than ever to manage $TLOS transactions while prioritizing privacy and flexibility.
Events and Community Engagement
Binance Blockchain Week Dubai
Telos participated as a Silver Sponsor at Binance Blockchain Week in Dubai, where we proudly debuted Telos X at our booth. The booth attracted significant attention, sparking conversations with global blockchain leaders and providing attendees with exclusive Telos-branded merchandise and insights into our vision.
Zebu Live
At Zebu Live, John Lilic took the stage as a keynote speaker, sharing insights on the future of Web3 economics.
Longitude by Cointelegraph
John also spoke at Cointelegraph’s exclusive Longitude event, exploring the potential implications of quantum machines on blockchain encryption. His talk added depth to the conversation on emerging technological challenges, showcasing Telos’ proactive approach to future-proofing the industry.
إحصائيات الشبكة
Ecosystem and Community Highlights
Tekika Milestone
Tekika continues its strong momentum, with all 10,000 NFTs minted and the second season confirmed. To celebrate this milestone, Tekika released 10 limited-edition concept art NFTs as a free mint.
Follow Tekika for more updates.
DeFi Quests with Symmetric and Galxe
In collaboration with Symmetric and Galxe, our DeFi Quest challenged participants to complete social and DeFi tasks for a chance to win $TLOS rewards, Tekika NFTs, and more. This campaign provided new ways for the community to engage and explore DeFi opportunities on Telos.
Telos and Symmetric DeFi Power Hour
While at Binance Blockchain Week, Telos was featured on the DeFi Power Hour X space by Symmetric. Following the announcement of John Lilic as CEO, the Symmetric team interviewed John and Tekika to discuss recent developments and Telos' next steps.
صيحات المجتمع
- Telos was featured in the House of ZK’s Zero Knowledge Pioneers list, highlighting our leadership in ZK technology.
- Mosaic Blocks launched a “Telos in 30 Seconds” series, simplifying complex Telos concepts for our community.
- BitRivals spotlighted Telos, enhancing visibility in the gaming world.
- Solarfeen brought humor to the community with creative Telos-themed memes on X.
October’s developments reinforce Telos’ commitment to strengthening its community’s role in shaping the network. Each step, from new leadership to technical upgrades, is designed to enhance $TLOS utility, expand access, and support active community involvement. In the months ahead, Telos remains focused on building an ecosystem that empowers its members to drive meaningful growth and resilience.
المحتوى الوارد في هذه المقالة هو لأغراض إعلامية فقط ولا ينبغي تفسيره على أنه نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية. قم دائمًا بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة واستشر متخصصًا قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات مالية. يمكن أن تكون استثمارات العملات المشفرة إلى جانب فئات الأصول الأخرى متقلبة ويمكن أن تؤدي إلى خسائر محتملة. توخَّ الحذر دائمًا، وتوخَّ العناية الواجبة، ولا تستثمر أبدًا رأس المال الذي لا يمكنك تحمل خسارته. تذكر أن تحافظ دائمًا على أمان حساباتك، واستخدم كلمات مرور قوية، وقم بتفعيل المصادقة ذات العاملين، وكن حذرًا من محاولات التصيد الاحتيالي. حافظ على سلامتك واستثمر بمسؤولية.
Telos هي منظومة بلوك تشين لامركزية تتضمن Telos EVM، والتي تم اختبارها كأسرع آلة افتراضية للإيثيريوم على مستوى العالم، وطبقة الإجماع عالية السرعة الخاصة بها، Telos Zero. مع تركيزها المستمر على المساعدة في دفع التبني العالمي لتقنية Zero Knowledge إلى الأمام، تعمل Telos حاليًا أيضًا على تطوير شبكة Ethereum Layer 2 المُسرّعة للأجهزة والمدعومة من SNARKtor، بهدف تعزيز الخصوصية وقابلية التوسع لحالات الاستخدام العالمية على نطاق واسع. تُشرف على Telos مؤسسة Telos Foundation، وهي مؤسسة غير مالكة مكرسة لتطوير شبكة بلوك تشين Telos ومجتمعها.