تركز Telos على تقنية المعرفة الصفرية: التحديثات والتعديلات المقبلة
Dear Telosians,
We are thrilled to share some exciting news and updates regarding the future direction of Telos. Following our tremendous success at EthCC with the SNARKtor proof of concept and all the new opportunities that this is bringing to Telos, we have decided to double down on our efforts in developing zero-knowledge (ZK) technology, including advancements in client-side proving. This strategic focus will allow us to drive innovation and lead in the blockchain space with cutting-edge solutions, unlocking real-world use cases and delivering tangible benefits to users and industries alike.
Strategic Focus on Zero-Knowledge Technology
Our commitment to zero-knowledge technology reflects our vision to bring to the market a hardware-accelerated zkEVM. Leveraging the SNARKtor decentralized protocol for scalable SNARK verification, this innovation will enable the development of highly scalable, user data-protecting applications, ensure regulatory compliance, and facilitate trustless interoperability. By incorporating client-side proving and intensifying our R&D efforts, we are poised to unlock new use cases and drive business development, ultimately broadening the adoption and impact of our solutions.
Adjustments in Our Development Roadmap
While we are enthusiastic about these developments, particularly after receiving positive feedback from the Ethereum community regarding SNARKtor, we realized there is high demand for such technology. Consequently, we want to accelerate our efforts and double down on our initiatives. As I am sure you agree, we need to be laser-focused and become industry leaders in the ZK space, which requires our full attention and dedication to achieving these challenging goals.
In light of our strides in the ZK space, we must share some less favorable news: we have decided to halt the development of our gaming sidechain, K2-18, which was originally scheduled to launch in the third quarter of 2024. This decision ensures that we allocate all necessary resources to deliver a stellar product on time and maintain Telos' unwavering focus on advancing in the ZK space.
Continuing Commitment to Tekika
It is important to note that this decision will have no influence on the launch of Tekika. Tekika remains a critical component of the Telos ecosystem and will play a significant role in enhancing social awareness, rewarding user engagement, and building our community. We are confident that Tekika will thrive and contribute immensely to our ecosystem's success.
التطلع إلى الأمام
We believe that our strategic focus towards zero-knowledge technology will yield substantial benefits and drive long-term growth for Telos. As we continue to update our website, we will be updating our roadmap and sharing more details in Q3 2024. We appreciate your continued support and are excited about the future innovations we will bring to the blockchain space.
Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.
The Telos Team
المحتوى الوارد في هذه المقالة هو لأغراض إعلامية فقط ولا ينبغي تفسيره على أنه نصيحة مالية أو استثمارية. قم دائمًا بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة واستشر متخصصًا قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات مالية. يمكن أن تكون استثمارات العملات المشفرة إلى جانب فئات الأصول الأخرى متقلبة ويمكن أن تؤدي إلى خسائر محتملة. توخَّ الحذر دائمًا، وتوخَّ العناية الواجبة، ولا تستثمر أبدًا رأس المال الذي لا يمكنك تحمل خسارته. تذكر أن تحافظ دائمًا على أمان حساباتك، واستخدم كلمات مرور قوية، وقم بتفعيل المصادقة ذات العاملين، وكن حذرًا من محاولات التصيد الاحتيالي. حافظ على سلامتك واستثمر بمسؤولية.
Telos هي منظومة بلوك تشين لامركزية تتضمن Telos EVM، والتي تم اختبارها كأسرع آلة افتراضية للإيثيريوم على مستوى العالم، وطبقة الإجماع عالية السرعة الخاصة بها، Telos Zero. مع تركيزها المستمر على المساعدة في دفع التبني العالمي لتقنية Zero Knowledge إلى الأمام، تعمل Telos حاليًا أيضًا على تطوير شبكة Ethereum Layer 2 المُسرّعة للأجهزة والمدعومة من SNARKtor، بهدف تعزيز الخصوصية وقابلية التوسع لحالات الاستخدام العالمية على نطاق واسع. تُشرف على Telos مؤسسة Telos Foundation، وهي مؤسسة غير مالكة مكرسة لتطوير شبكة بلوك تشين Telos ومجتمعها.