Telos Foundation Announces Strategic Integration with Tokeny to Enhance Multi-Chain Tokenization Capabilities

April 18, 2024
min read

The Telos Foundation is pleased to announce its strategic integration with Tokeny, a leading tokenization platform renowned for having tokenized billions of dollars worth of assets, specifically $28 billion. Tokeny serves a significant number of institutional clients, highlighting its capability and trust within the financial sector.

The collaboration is set to enhance the ecosystem by integrating the Telos EVM into Tokeny’s multi-chain platform. 

About Tokeny

Tokeny provides a compliance infrastructure for digital assets. Through using distributed ledger technology, Tokeny allows financial actors operating in private markets to easily issue, transfer, and manage securities.

By applying trust, compliance, and control on a hyper-efficient infrastructure, Tokeny enables market participants to unlock significant advancements in the management and liquidity of financial instruments.

Key Benefits 

This integration brings numerous benefits to both ecosystems.

By incorporating the Telos EVM, known for its transaction throughput of 15,200 transactions per second, the partnership ensures that Tokeny can leverage Telos to provide users with speed and efficiency in their tokenization processes.

Additionally, this alliance reduces operational costs and enhances the flexibility for issuers to select the most suitable blockchain environment for their needs, promoting a scalable and adaptable ecosystem.

How Telos Users Can Use Tokeny

Telos users can now leverage Tokeny's platform to issue and manage digital securities in a compliant manner, significantly enhancing the tools available for secure and functional financial transactions within the Telos network. 

Those interested in these new capabilities can start by visiting Tokeny's website to access detailed information on services and guidance on how to initiate their first tokenization project using the integrated features of Telos and Tokeny. 



The strategic integration between Telos and Tokeny marks an important step forward in enhancing the utility and efficiency of blockchain technology for tokenized securities. By combining Telos' high-performance infrastructure with Tokeny's expertise in digital asset compliance, this collaboration is poised to foster growth and innovation within both ecosystems, benefiting users across the globe. As we move forward, the Telos Foundation remains committed to advancing blockchain technology and delivering robust solutions that meet the evolving needs of our community and partners.

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About The Telos Foundation
Telos is a growing network of networks (Layer 0) enabling Zero Knowledge technology for ultimate scalability and privacy to support all industries and applications. The expanding Telos ecosystem includes over 1.2 million accounts, hundreds of partners, and numerous dApps. Launched in 2018 Telos is known for its impeccable five-year record of zero downtime and is home to the worlds fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine, the Telos EVM. Telos is positioned to lead enterprise adoption into the world of borderless Web3 technology and decentralized solutions.